Having the right support

changes everything

I help nurse leaders become the leaders they always wanted to be.

I’m a nurse leader too. I know the challenges you’re facing and I can help.

Today nurses are serving in complexity and chaos. We’re the leaders responsible for the largest workforce with the most influence on quality patient care. We’re stretched thin and losing ourselves and the foundation of the care we provide.

Working together, we can overcome almost any challenge and reconnect with the reasons we became nurses in the first place.

I help nurses and nurse leaders connect with the things that matter most.

I’ve experienced nursing from every angle. As a nurse. As a nurse leader. Even as a patient. I’ve been in your shoes. That’s why I created True Anchor Consulting. I help nurse leaders reach their goals and create cultures of excellence by reigniting the passion in their careers.

I know the challenges and I provide proven solutions.

With True Anchor Consulting you’ll see growth and development for your leadership team, a better career experience for nurses and nurse leaders, and you’ll get tangible support, “an extra hand” for nurse executives to achieve optimal outcomes.

My services are designed to support nursing leadership.

Leadership and Organizational Consulting Services

  • Interim Executive Support
  • Professional Practice Model Design, Creation, and Implementation
  • Care Delivery Model Design and Implementation
  • Nursing Strategic Planning
  • Nursing Annual Reports
  • Professional Governance
  • Nursing Executive/Leadership Retreats

Educational Services
(in-person or remote)

  • Human Connection in Nursing and Nursing Leadership
  • Listening and the Human Experience
  • Professional Role of the Nurse
  • Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship
  • Nurse Leadership
  • Developing Trust in Nursing Leadership
  • Basic Financial Principles for Nurse Leaders
  • Understanding and Leading a “Just Culture”
  • Staffing and Scheduling Principles
  • Contemporary Approaches to In-Patient Care Delivery
  • Leading in contemporary care delivery models

Speaking Services
(topics include)

  • Human Connection/Implicit Bias in Patient Care
  • Therapeutic Nurse/Patient Relationship
  • Listening and the Human Experience
  • Connecting With Our Past to Design Future Care Delivery
  • Keeping it Simple in Our Complex Reality
  • True Talk: A Perspective on Ratios and the Role of the Nurse in the Acute Care Setting
  • Patient Safety Culture From the Perspective of Nursing Leaders

I also offer mentorship services for nurse supervisors, nurse managers, and nurse directors (high potential talent within an organization).